St Andrew's

Preaching the Good News to Frimley Green & Mytchett

What's on

As well as our regular Sunday gatherings, St Andrew’s is busy during the week with the following activities on offer…


Tiny Tots

New Tiny Tots 202109

Tiny Tots is for pre-school children and  their carers featuring toys, crafts, songs, Bible stories, refreshments and more. It meets on Monday mornings in the church hall from 10-11:30am. For more info, see the Facebook page.

The Ark

ark april 2024

The Ark is a great opportunity to meet others over a cup of tea or coffee – every Friday in the Church Hall between 10.00 am and 12.00 pm. Transport may be available if you need a lift. 

Special Events

From time to time we have special events such as Activity Mornings and Holiday Clubs. Contact Suresh to find out more.

Life Explored

We sometimes run a Life Explored course for those interested to find out more about Life's Big Questions and the Christian Faith or just review what Christianity is all about. If you might be interested watch the trailer and email Suresh Menon to find out more.

Christianity Explored

We run this well-known course, giving you time to think about the big questions of life, and to explore the person at the heart of the Christian faith - Jesus Christ. If you are new to Christian things, or feeling in need of a refresher, this course is for you. Contact: Suresh Menon (click here to email Suresh).

Bible Study Groups

We encourage everyone who makes St Andrew’s their church to join a Growth Group – a small group that gathers in a home to study the Bible, pray together and support each other.  Groups meet in different locations around Frimley Green and Mytchett at a variety of times. All are very welcome to join one. Contact: Suresh Menon (click here to email Suresh).

St Andrew’s Central

On the first Wednesday of each month all Bible Study Groups and courses, along with other members of the church family, gather centrally for singing, church family news, teaching and prayer together in the Hall at 8.00pm – 9.30pm. All are very welcome. Contact: Suresh Menon (click here to email Suresh).